Thursday, May 15, 2014

Top New Foods of the Past Year

My family has spent the last year away from home.  We have experienced and embraced change in many forms.  As I reflect on the past year, I am really excited about all of the new foods we have introduced to our diet.  Most of these introductions to our diet are related to our new locale in the South and some are by way of persuasion.  Click on the underlined links for recipes.

Kale:  Super food to the rescue!   I never had any interest in kale.  I thought it would taste like a weed, be hard to chew, and that my kids and husband would revolt.  By the method of persuasion, Katheryn Kerchof, convinced me to try it.  To help take care of my fears of chewability and taste, I came up with Massaged Kale Salad.

Grits:  Duh…gluten free, why have we not tried this before?  I know!  They were never served with shrimp!  Thank you Gibson Barbee and Lydia Leake for introducing us to Shrimp and Grits.

  Beans:  They are not just for Mexican food anymore.  I volunteered for a program called Happy Healthy Cooks and I discovered new and delicious ways to eat beans.  Try Pasta Fagioli and Brazilian Black Beans and Kale.

   Carrots:  Mini carrots are OUT, carrot chips are IN.  Carrot chips go great with hummus, can be easily chopped for salads, and go great with Carrot Ginger Dip.

   Quinoa Flakes:  Protein for breakfast with this granola.

     Collards:  They need their own bullet point as I am unsure if we will be able to buy them in Colorado.   My husband has a sampled a variety of collards during his luxurious travels to West Virginia and other neighboring states.  

   Green onions, Ginger, and Lemons:  I buy these every week at the store.  I mix green onions and ginger with vegan mayo for a great spread for BLT’s and salmon burgers.  Lemons are essential for Caesar Dressing and Tabbouleh.

   Baked Potato and Barbecue:  Potatoes have been an essential food for my son during our travels.  Most restaurants have them on the menu, there is a Wendy’s in most every town, and they make an awesome lunch entrée for your kid.  The south is all about the barbecue, not to be confused with a cookout. A barbecue refers to the slow, smoked process of cooking beef, chicken, and pork.  We have been able to take our son out for dinner during our travels and it’s been most satisfying after a long, hard day of play!

   Cherrybrook Kitchen Pancake Mix:  I never could make a pancake when I had wheat, buttermilk, and eggs at my disposal.  These pancakes are gluten free, dairy free, egg free and awesome!  Thank you Laura Lopez for introducing me to this brand. 

   Slurpee:  How did my list start with kale and end with Slurpee?  We still want to have some fun!  Our neighborhood in Roanoke has a local 7-11 and all the cool kids hang out there and get Slurpees.  It turns out that a Slurpee is gluten free, dairy free, nut free, soy free, egg free and it’s a special treat on a hot day.

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