Thursday, June 19, 2014

Copper River Salmon and Father's Day

I completely spaced Father’s Day 2013.  I remembered that I forgot while in the line at the grocery store.  I quickly grabbed a t-shirt for Scott and stuffed it in a reusable grocery bag that was for sale in the check-out line.  In my defense, we had just arrived in Roanoke, Virginia and we were trying to get settled into our new home. 

In an effort to redeem myself, I planned ahead this year.  I picked up a watercolor painting of a local Roanoke landmark that I thought would remind Scott of biking Mill Mountain, I pre-ordered a World Cup soccer t-shirt, and purchased some whole Copper River Salmon for a Father’s Day meal for Scott and my father.
Copper River Salmon has a limited season and it usually coincides with Father’s Day.  I enjoy cooking a full salmon on the grill with fresh herbs and lemon.   Pre-heat the grill to 400 degrees, reduce heat to 350 degrees and cook salmon on direct heat for about 15-20 minutes or until fish starts to look milky.  I served this meal with diced grilled potatoes and my kale salad.

My Dad

My father had just returned the day before from a week in Alaska visiting my sister and her family.  Thankfully, my dad respectfully ate my salmon despite eating salmon all week.  I knew he would like the potatoes, but I was a little surprised that he was eating the kale salad.   Half way through dinner, I asked my dad how he liked the salad and all he said was, “at least it’s not kale.”  

Well…maybe you should also try my kale salad on someone who doesn’t like kale.  They just might like it.

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